Organized Golf
Made Simple.

Our organizer feature gives you the ability to expand your tournament dates to multiple days so more players can participate. Run a series of tournaments easily on multiple courses now as well!

If you’re looking to create a large tournament, ActionGolfers will have an assigned account manager to help you setup your tournament and customize a dedicated landing page for your event which includes logos, descriptions, and website links at no additional charge!

All your players will have access to our interactive leaderboards which not only gives them live standings but their own personal stats over the course of time.

With ActionGolfers you’ll be able to collect tournament fees directly on the app and divvy up any winnings to players who competed. Once the tournament has concluded you can direct message specific prize winners or all players using our messaging feature.


A Streamlined Assembly Process

From choosing the right golf course, setting up the format, registering the players, collecting payments up until divvying out all the rewards; ActionGolfers Organizer provides you the one platform to organize and manage a successful golf event for all your friends, family, colleagues, and golf lovers!


Let Everyone Get a Piece of the Action!

We provide a level playing field to compete. You no longer need to join a golf club or an independent golf tour to play or hold golf events! Anyone with an interest in golf and a passion to play can use this app to hold a tournament and ask other golfers to come and share their passion for the sport. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  • Tap into Tournaments tab.
  • Check Active and Upcoming tournaments in your area.
  • Click Private play to create your own game.

Personalize Your Tournament

We’ve simplified the organization process on a unified platform making competitive golf more accessible to all! Add in your own logo, description of the event, collect payments, and message players.

  • Promote: Your optional logo and event description can include a personal link to your website! Start inviting everyone via email or phone number from our platform to promote the game and your own brand.
  • Live Views: Enjoy a live view of all the current players in your tournament and the scoreboard.
  • Get Rewarded: Track paid fees and transfer directly to your account or other winners once play has finished.

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